Main Grant Criteria


    When applying, please bear in mind that:

    CEF's areas of interest are:

    - Biodiversity conservation

    - Regenerative land use

    - Sustainable waste management

    - Sustainable resource use

    CEF's preferred types of projects are:

    - Field work

    - Local engagement

    - Campaigns/advocacy

    - Networking

    - Technical support

    Your Organisation


    Please include area codes.


    Please include area codes.

    In your own words, please tell us a little bit about your organization/group and outline why you are suited to carry out this project (max 300 words)

    / 300

    Project Summary


    In which CEF's area(s) of interest does your project belong?

    Choose as many as apply.


    In this project, what type of work would be supported through CEF funding?

    Choose as many as apply.

    Please provide us with a clear and concise summary of your project here. (max 100 words)

    / 100

    Project Description

    What is the environmental issue that your project is aiming to address? (max 150 words)

    Remember, information based on objective research should be provided to justify the need or problem. The issue of concern should fall into one of CEF's areas of interest: (1) Biodiversity conservation, (2) Regenerative land use, (3) Sustainable waste management, (4) Sustainable resource management.

    / 150

    What are the causes of this issue? (max 150 words)

    / 150

    In your own words, please describe the project you want to deliver (max 500 words)

    Please be clear about the specific deliverables. This section should describe the activities to be conducted to achieve the desired objectives and include dates for what you'll report on and when.

    / 500


    Which of the following environmental impacts does your project aim to contribute to?

    Please choose as many points apply to your project.

    In your own words, please describe the positive environmental impact that your project aims to contribute to.

    Please remember that these outcomes should be measurable.

    13. OUTCOMES*

    Which, if any, of the following social, cultural and economic outcomes does your project aim to achieve?

    Please choose as many as apply.


    Which of the following best describes the methods your project will use to pursue its goals?

    Please choose as many as apply.

    Budget and Other Considerations

    For this section, please detail the costs to be met by the grant requested and where applicable, those to be provided for by other parties. Please outline both administrative and program costs.

    If successful, could our foundation help you in any other ways to achieve your project objectives?

    Please use this section to outline any additional considerations for this project.

    Eg. Details of any partner organizations, matched funding requests etc.

    Please describe any risks or uncertainties that might affect the project.

    Additional files (if required)

    Drag & Drop Files Here

    * Required fields