CEF Two-Year Anniversary

**Between 03/10/24 – 17/10/24

support our work at CEF by purchasing a photograph or ‘Aspelia Naturalis’ book

on our campaign’s website here.


On October 3rd, 2024, the Cyprus Environment Foundation (CEF) celebrated its two-year anniversary at CYENS Centre of Excellence in the heart of Nicosia, in the presence of figures from the sector of politics, businesses, research and environmental NGOs of Cyprus.

Evening introduction was made by a speech from the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment speech, Dr Maria Panayiotou, represented by the A’ Official for the Department of Environment, Mrs Elena Stylianopoulou.

During the event, the attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the 2-year impact of the CEF, an organization which aims to protect and support the natural beauty, biodiversity and ecosystems of Cyprus.

Specifically, the event hosted five of the foundation’s collaborators who coordinate impactful local projects that aim to protect local biodiversity, assure the sustainable waste management and enhance the island’s regenerative land use. The representatives of the environmental NGOs and research centers shared their success stories and ongoing challenges they face daily while running their projects.

Sofia Matsi, the Executive Director of CEF, emphasized her gratitude for the dedication and hard work of the foundation’s collaborators, the environmental heroes of Cyprus, who every day go out in the field ‘protecting the species they love, offering environmental education to our children and reducing plastic pollution on our island.’

Furthermore, members of the organization’s Advisory Board, talked about the contemporary environmental crisis in Cyprus as well as the broader Mediterranean region and emphasized on the critical role local environmental initiatives, like the ones supported by the CEF, play in mitigating these.

Dr Demetris Sarris, Director of the KES Research Center, mentioned that in order to surpass today’s desertification challenges in Cyprus and protect our limited soil and water resources, we need to turn to ecology principles: focus on maintaining a living soil food web, establish permanent tree crops, apply minimum soil disturbance and overall adopt regenerative agriculture practices. The significance of establishing and actively managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) was stressed by Dr Maïa Fourt, also member of the CEF’s Advisory Board. When we apply efficient management of such areas, not only biodiversity indices improve but also the local fishers’ income rise, as noted in two such areas in the Mediterranean: the Port-Cros in France, one of the oldest MPAs and Gogova Bay in Turkey.

Left: Michaelangelo Pontikis – CEF’s Operations Manager / Middle: Sofia Matsi – CEF’s Executive Director / Right: Dr Maïa Fourt – Member of CEF’s Advisory Board 

CEF is part of the Conservation Collective (CC), a global network of 20 local organizations distributing funds in the form of grants to local organizations that support high significance and impact initiatives.

Jade Brudenell, the Executive Director of the CC, shared some successful examples of collaboration between local CC foundations and individuals as well as corporations and how these synergies have been playing a catalyzing role in the support of local communities and the protection of the natural environment. From collaborations with local hotels and restaurants, to fundraising concerts with internationally renowned musicians, all consist ways in which the network collects and distributes millions each year to local environmental initiatives.

During its first two years of existence, the CEF collaborated with more than 15 different local groups and organizations distributing over €180,000 in the form of grants, supporting 22 different projects. Among others, the organization supported the conservation of 7 endangered species of Cyprus, the education of more than 1300 children through funded environmental programs and the reduction of single use plastics through awareness activities and initiatives that empower the use of alternatives.

Her message of satisfaction with CEF’s activities that target the education of citizens of all ages sent the Minister stating that: ‘Assuring the protection of the environment and biodiversity and supporting their restoration is difficult to achieve without the support of the local community. For this reason, empowering the sensitization and participation of the local society, environmental awareness and education activities, should consist a priority of all projects, strategies and policies that aim to protect the environment and its biodiversity.’

It should be noted that the evening’s menu was based on seasonal, local, organic ingredients and the use of single use plastic was completely avoided. The event was possible thanks to the kind support of CYENS Center of Excellence, The Old Powerhouse (Παλιά Ηλεκτρική), Ierokipio Permaculture Land and DeLeMa McCANN Cyprus.

To celebrate its first two years of activities, CEF in collaboration with the rising Cypriot photographer Silvio Augusto Rusmigo, kick-started a fundraising campaign where for two weeks during October (4-17/10), 30% of sale profits will be supporting CEF’s work. The 10 stunning pictures for sale are part of the photographer’s recently published book ‘Aspelia Naturalis’ and depict the unique beauty of the natural landscapes of Cyprus, from its seas to its mountaintops.


Scroll through all the photos from our event here.


Find out more about the evening and the event’s speakers here.


*Event photos by Stefanos Stefanou and The Tang Photography


Support our work at CEF by purchasing one of Silvio’s photographs or his book,

on our campaign’s website here.