The Global Portrait Project: where art meets environmental conservation

We are proud to announce the participation of our Executive Director, Sofia Matsi, in The Global Portrait Project, an ambitious art initiative that shines a spotlight on environmental champions from around the world.

In a stunning display of artistry and advocacy, British portrait artist James Nickells has captured the essence of Sofia Matsi’s dedication to environmental protection through a breathtaking ink portrait.

The Global Portrait Project will eventually feature 193 hand-drawn portraits, each from a different country. This project not only celebrates the individual efforts of these eco-warriors but also underscores the universal commitment to preserving our planet’s natural beauty and resources. At the end of the project, the 193 portraits will form a touring exhibition with the aim of showing that environmental work is occurring in every country and we can all take action.

We extend our deepest gratitude to James Nickells for his extraordinary talent and unwavering commitment to both art and nature. His work serves as a bridge between the aesthetic and the ecological, inspiring viewers to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our world and the importance of safeguarding it for future generations.

To experience the full scope of The Global Portrait Project, we invite you to visit the official website.